Kudos to Glenn McDonald for trying to keep everynoise.com a usable resource even after Spotify laid him off and have started turning off features. Still a valuable resource, for sure.

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I had no idea that was the story - is there anything written about it?

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Sure, Dave. It made it to Techcrunch ... https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/12/every-noise-shut-down-spotify-layoffs/

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Thank you! I’m very intrigued

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More info (and a lot of it) at furia.com, Glenn's blog.

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I ask everyone I chat with for more than one minute or so "So whatcha listening to these days?" I get most of my recommendations that way; and it gives me a tiny insight into the person I asked that, as well.

When I came up, recommendations of cool bands were standard-level conversational "trade goods"; and I learned a ton from what my musical elders pointed me to. It was natural; and people weren't weirdly afraid of being judged by their choices.

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Great point about trading music. Recs from other people are my absolute favorite. Then you are more connected to the music and that person, just a little. I hate that the trendy thing now with social media is kind of a fake version of that person to person connection. Now people aren’t trading their insights with you, they’re selling them for attention. It’s sad to see the other ways of music discovery disappearing.

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Really good article! The majority of younger people, let's say 30 or less, want to listen to music that is trending or is "hot". My memory tells me that this is nothing new as I am much older than the aforementioned 30, and I can recall wanting to tell my friends that I was listening to whatever was the highest on the charts even before algorithms and social media. We had the Billboard charts, the "Weekly Top 40" with Casey Kasem or Rick Dees or whoever.

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Thank you Whitney!

Totally agree, I guess the only thing that’s changed is how the trendy stuff gets to our ears. There’s always that weird push-pull between wanting to like the same music as your friends, but not wanting to like it just because other people like it. My opinion is that as long as you’re having fun and enjoying the music, it’s all good!

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Thanks for mention, Dave! Very happy to hear that.

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Of course! Thanks for all the great jams!

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